Calculating the dollars of a salary and benefits package or knowing if a job offer is fair are only part of the compensation process. Learn more about housing allowances, required and best practices for hiring and compensating church staff, and understanding basic personal finances. Here, we've brought together our best articles and resources on these topics.

Webinar | 2024 State of Church Compensation
Rising costs and shifting employment standards are making it harder for churches to replace, pay, and manage staff.

2025 Budget and COLA Changes
Even though churches are aligned on a reasonable COLA for 2025, increased benefit costs and the higher cost of living is placing financial pressure on churches.

The Rising Cost of Replacing Pastors
Market forces are creating tremendous pressure for churches as they seek to replace pastors.

Answering Your Gloo Questions
Learn more about Gloo's recent acquisition of ChurchSalary.

Job Title Trends for Pastors and Church Staff
The inspiration and solutions you need to create better job titles for pastors and staff at your church.

Understanding Your Salary Report
Learn how to use and interpret ChurchSalary's reports with these instructional videos.

The Impact of COVID-19 on the American Church
Discover the 9 common experiences that every pastor, lay leaders, and church in American navigated during the COVID-19 impact.

Making Sense of Inflation for COLA Raises
Which inflation index should your church use as a benchmark for COLA changes in the coming year?

How Multisite Churches Pay Campus Pastors
Two prevailing models that multisite churches use to pay campus pastors.

Payroll and Budget Changes for 2024
Explore survey data from 988 churches on budget and staffing changes to attract and retain employees in 2023 and 2024.

Church Growth Series
Church Growth: How Fundamental Benchmarks Impact CompensationExplore how staffing and compensation change as churches grow.

How Much Do Churches Spend on Benefits and Health Insurance?
Benefits work differently than salaries, but they are a key part of total compensation.

Setting Salaries at Multisite Churches
What should the “standard process” be for determining pay at multi-site churches?

How to Adjust Salaries Based on Location
Practical resources, data, and knowledge to help ChurchSalary members adjust nationwide salaries based on several local variables.

The Basics | Salary Structure and Pay Grades
Learn about pay grades and how to create a salary structure at your church.

How Does ChurchSalary Group and Normalize Data?
ChurchSalary works hard to pre-process, analyze, and present salary data responsibly.

2021 Pastoral Salary Report
Is Seminary Worth It?How long will it take the average pastor to recoup the cost of a graduate degree?

2021 Pastoral Salary Report
How Much Does Region Impact A Pastor's Salary?Find out where the best-paid pastors live and how your region ranks.

The Basics | Salary Ranges
Learn about salary ranges and how to calculate an adjusted range using a salary spread.

The Future of Work in the Church
What does the future hold for work in general? And how might that impact work in the church?

Why Budget Influences Church Salaries More Than Attendance
Generating a budget-only report will increase the sample size and accuracy of your salary reports.

Introducing Localized Salary Recommendations
Discover ChurchSalary's powerful and ground-breaking new localization tool for full-time pastors.

Life After COVID: 8 Labor Market Trends That May Impact the Church
COVID-19 has created several labor market trends that are likely to have a residual impact on churches and religious organizations.

How Will COVID-19 Impact Church Compensation in 2021?
Churches face a K-shaped recovery in 2021.

Unpacking the Cost of Living
The cost of living index (COLI) is a powerful measurement, but exercise discretion when applying this number to salaries at your church.

How to Revise Job Descriptions
How can (and should) your church handle job descriptions?

Unpacking Localization
Localizing salaries for pastors presents a unique set of challenges and required developing a new methodology.

What Should Severance Packages Include?
What should churches include and how much?