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Webinar | 2024 State of Church Compensation

Rising costs and shifting employment standards are making it harder for churches to replace, pay, and manage staff.

Churches are struggling to keep their heads above water. Not only has the cost of living increased due to inflation, but many church salaries and benefits are lagging behind the market.

To make matters worse, changes to the minimum salary exemption requirement by the US Department of Labor—this past July and again in January—are forcing churches to make hard decisions about classifying workers as exempt or non-exempt and compensating workers for overtime.

  • How can your church be proactive and stay ahead of rising costs?
  • How much are other churches increasing their budget? What COLA are they using?
  • Are you classifying workers correctly and also correctly paying them, in light of the Labor Department’s changes?


Matt Steen | Co-Founder, Chemistry Staffing

Dustin Gaines | Partner, My Church Law Firm

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Lilly Endowment

ChurchSalary is made possible through funding from the Lilly Endowment Inc. As part of Lilly's "National Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Pastoral Leaders," ChurchSalary—and our parent, Church Law & Tax—is committed to helping church leaders and pastors develop an atmosphere of healthy financial stewardship, especially in the area of church staff compensation.
