Understanding Your Salary Report

Every ChurchSalary report contains six to seven sections crammed with numbers and charts. To help you interpret all this data and to get the most out of your report, we’ve created a series of instructional videos.
To follow along with these videos, we recommend that you have a salary report in hand. If you don’t have a report or are considering becoming an annual member, download this sample report.
Still have questions? Consult our FAQs or explore the resources at the bottom of this article.
Thank you for choosing ChurchSalary. If you haven’t already consider taking our National Church Compensation Survey, especially if your church is handling things like compensation factors well. We want to hear about it. Together, we can help more churches.
Additional Resources:
- Introducing Localized Salary Recommendations
- Introducing Budget-Only Reports
- How Does ChurchSalary Group and Normalize Data?
- Unpacking the Cost of Living Index
- Unpacking Localization
- How to Calculate a Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA)
- How Much Do Churches Spend on Benefits and Health Insurance?
- The Basics | Salary Ranges
- The Basics | Salary Structure and Pay Grades
- How Much Does Region Impact A Pastor’s Salary?
- Is Seminary Worth It?
- Download a free Excel spreadsheet to generate custom salary ranges.
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